The Foundation supports public interest media that raises awareness of critical environmental, political, and social issues to promote a better-informed citizenry in the U.S. It supports quality, non-commercial media that is substantive, fair, and accurate.
Program priorities include:
- investigative journalism
- media policy
- public broadcasting

Investigative Journalism
Investigative Journalism supports excellence in reporting on nationally significant public affairs issues in the U.S. Competitive proposals will show evidence of groundbreaking content employing multi-platform media tools with the potential to achieve broad distribution and social impact.
Media Policy
Media Policy supports nationally significant initiatives that promote fair and open media systems and policies in the U.S. The Foundation supports projects that advance universal access to communications, a "neutral" Internet, diverse and independent ownership, public interest media, and the future of journalism.
Public Broadcasting
Public Broadcasting supports nationally distributed and aired television and radio programming. Preference is given to in-depth, investigative reporting projects that include diverse, public interest voices and perspectives.
Documentary Films
Documentary Films supports a very limited number of small grants to individual documentary projects related to civil society and democracy, the environment, and animal welfare. Requests for funding greatly exceed available resources and preference is given to projects with wide distribution and community engagement.
Prior to submitting a proposal, prospective applicants should contact the Foundation via e-mail to determine appropriate fit. Please be prepared to provide information regarding content and treatment, distribution, outreach, budget, funding sources (and fiscal sponsorship as appropriate).
Media projects are also funded in the Foundation's Environment program.
Submit a Proposal
Prior to submitting a proposal, prospective applicants should contact the Foundation to determine appropriate fit. Please be prepared to provide information regarding content and treatment, distribution, outreach, budget, funding sources (and fiscal sponsorship as appropriate).